soccer cleats

soccer cleats
soccer cleats

Player and Parent Expectations

Player and Parent Expectations

Player Expectations

As a player I will:

  • Train and play to the best of my ability
  • Have a positive attitude and never quit
  • Respect my teammates always
  • Arrive prepared for all games and training sessions, i.e., with proper attitude and equipment
  • Respect my coach and always listen to his or her instructions
  • Exercise sportsmanship and win without boasting
  • Respect my opponents and treat them fairly
  • Respect officials and accept their decisions
  • Ask my parent to notify the coach if I will be tardy or unable to make a practice or game

As a player I will never:

  • Use profane or vulgar language at practice or games
  • Use any alcohol or non-prescribed drugs before training or games 
  • Leave the field or a session without the permission of the coach
  • Forget that I represent Concord Soccer

Parent Expectations

As a parent, I will:

  • Ensure my player is on time to practice and games with proper equipment.
  • Pick up my player promptly after practice or games.
  • Notify the coach beforehand if my player will be tardy or miss a practice or game. 
  • Inform the coach of anything that the coach should know about my player.
  • Volunteer to support the coach or team in whatever way I can.
  • Be positive and supportive of all team players and coaches.
  • Treat opposing players and spectators with respect

As a parent, I will not:

  • Use vulgar or profane language at games.
  • Make negative comments about players on the field.
  • Abuse officials verbally in any way.
  • Insult other spectators at the field.
  • Attempt to coach players on the field, that is, do not use verbs
  • Use derogatory or defamatory language in communications with or about coaches.